Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Another Burlap Wreath

So I may have an obsession with burlap....I mean its inexpensive and it seems like you can make anything out of it. I found yet another burlap wreath that I loved on Pinterest.

Unfortunately, the link did not take me to step by step directions but instead an etsy page, but I really wanted to make one...so I did my best to figure it out on my own. Mine does not look exactly like this one, but I'm happy with the final product.
You will need:
*A wire wreath frame
*Hot glue
*Thread and a needle

Cut your burlap at least 2x the circumference of the wreath frame and about 8 inches wide. (You will need two pieces this size).

Use the thread and needle to run a loose stitch through one side of the burlap strip. Once the thread is through the entire length of the burlap, pull to ruffle the fabric and tie off the thread. (I only did this to one side as it gave it the ruffle I desired. You could probably do both sides or just scrunch it without sewing, this is just what worked for me). **Do not look at my nails...

Begin on the inside ring of the wreath and hot glue the threaded side to the wreath frame.

Then pull around the other side of the ring and hot glue the unthreaded side.
Repeat this process for the outside ring (Pulling the inside part through the inside part on the second ring is a little bit more difficult).

Embellish as desired : )

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