Wednesday, July 6, 2011


I know those of you who are not teachers will not appreciate this very much....however, I finished summer school last Wednesday and am officially on summer break! WOOHOO!!! I just don't even know what to do with myself. Hopefully my summer will have a lot of crafting, running, time with friends, time outside, playing with the pups and reading for fun.

So far my summer has consisted of
1. Rangers v Astros game with Cody and Lauren (sorry Houstonians, but I had to put the Rangers first because they beat the Astros senseless..)

2. Yard Work

3. Running at decent times of the day (ie: not at 5:30 am or at 4:00pm)

4. Pool time with my friends!

5. A mud run (in which we did not get very muddy, but it was still fun) (The pictures are small for a reason my friends, that would be too much SB if it were any bigger...)


6. Time with my husband and precious pups

7. Celebrating the fourth with a pool party and a fish fry! yum!

Hope y'all are enjoying your July!

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