Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Sadie's Birth Story

It was decided almost at my first doctor's appointments, that the goal of my pregnancy would be to get to 39 weeks with a healthy baby to avoid any complications that could arise from my being diabetic.  To ensure that this happened, I went to my OB, a perinatal specialist (high risk OB) and my diabetes doctor frequently, especially in the last trimester.
At about 37 weeks, we started noticing that although Sadie was very healthy, they were estimating her to be large.  At the same point, I was not very effaced or dilated at all, meaning that inducing may or may not work.  My high risk doctor at this point started mentioning the possibility of a c-section, but we trucked on hoping that I would still be able to have a regular delivery.
At my 38 and 38 1/2 week appointments, we made a plan: although I was not fully effaced or dilated at all, we would go ahead and start the induction process on Wednesday night with the pitocin starting Thursday morning. 
These are my 39 week pictures just before we left for the hospital on Wednesday (good thing we delivered when we did..my maternity shirts were not doing the best job of covering my stomach anymore..)

On Wednesday night we ran a few errands in the Woodlands, ate dinner at Zoe's and got checked in to the hospital. They started the first medicine, gave me medicine to help me sleep and we called it a night. 

Early Thursday morning, they started the pitocin in my i.v. and although they kept coming in to check me that morning, no real change had occurred (I wasn't much more effaced or dilated).  Taking into consideration her expected size (the week before they were estimating 8lb 13oz) and the fact that my body was not cooperating, the decision was made to switch to a c-section.  Within 30 minutes of the decision being made, we made our way down to the operating room, the anesthesiologist had given me the spinal, Cody got to come in and I was all prepped.  I was nervous slightly because I was just so ready to meet her and probably more so because I had a horrible idea of a c-section in my mind.    The c-section process was so quick and we got to see our baby girl so fast! 

She was smaller than estimated at 8lb 5oz, 19 3/4 inches long with a head full of brown hair (so glad the heartburn had a purpose! : )

We are so thankful for the doctors that worked together to help ensure that Sadie was as healthy as could be when she was born.  We delivered at Memorial Hermann in the Woodlands and had the absolute best experience from the hospital itself to the nursing staff.   Not an incredibly long birth story, but an incredibly happy one. We are learning how to be good parents to Sadie and falling in love with her sweetness along the way. 

1 comment:

Gina said...

EkkK! She's beautiful! Georgia was the exact same size! Congratulations again!