Wednesday, June 6, 2012

National Running Day

It is National Running Day! And luck you, you still have time to fit in a run (and it will actually be cooler than when I ran).
On their website, National Running Day starts off the sentence "I run because."  I was thinking about mine today and here's what I've come up with so far.
I run because:
it makes me feel good, it makes me healthy, I like chocolate, it gives me a sense of accomplishment, it challenges me, it gives me energy, it gives me time with my friends, it gives me time by myself, it gives me a break from school work, it allows me to decompress after a hard day, it gives me time to think, it gives me time to pray, it keeps me in shape, it helps me set new goals...
I could probably keep going, but those are just a few of my reasons.  Why do you run?

Carolina and I ran intervals this afternoon at Matzke Park to celebrate the day.  Now its your turn to go out and run : )

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