This weekend, I went with Jessica, Minnie and their friend Dani to Waco for the BU v. TX football game.

We had so much fun, but unfortunately the game was not pretty. I ran into a Zeta, Amy, at the game and my cousin Wes!

Afterwards, the girls dropped me in Marlin so that I could spend the afternoon/evening with my grandparents. What a wonderful time! I love our big family gatherings, but these special trips are my favorite because I get a lot of one on one time with my grandparents. My mamaw and I got to catch up on everything!! Then later in the afternoon, she went to the grocery store and Papaw and I sat and chatted about life. What a wonderful afternoon! I am so blessed to have such sweet grandparents who are so thankful for all that they have been given, who love their family with everything in them, and find joy in even the toughest times!! I hope to one day be able to exude these same values to my children and grandchildren!
My brother, sister-in-law and niece came down to Marlin later in the day. I got to enjoy their company! I just love family days!!

The Brad Brown fam then took me to Kosse to meet my husband so that I could venture out to our deer lease! I was a bit skeptical about camping out somewhere other than a state park, but I really had nothing to worry about! We spent time with Scott, Ashley and all of our puppies riding 4-wheelers (I even got to drive it!), seeing animals up close, watching the pups swim, seeing where our boys hunt and just admiring God's handiwork with all of the beautiful fall trees!
Ellie perched atop the 4wheeler

Chloe after falling into a pond

Scott and Ashley's dog, Abby, sitting pretty on the 4-wheeler

Miller and Ellie chasing a horse...8-lb Chloe ran up to this same horse later and nearly got stepped on..I nearly died!

For those of you who remember Chloe as a puppy, she used to hop, not run, everywhere that she went. The grass was too tall in part of the lease so she began hopping again today. The first part of the video doesn't really show it, but keep watching and you'll see (I couldn't figure out how to edit out the beginning).
In other news, Step Out is less than a week away! (Yikes!! I'll need to step up my running this week!!) I wanted to share the grand total raised by Team Sage for Diabetes Research and Education. Through some amazingly generous people who donated through the Team Sage , we were able to raise $1,393!! Thank you friends and family for showing your support for me and other diabetics through your generosity!! What a blessing!