Monday, February 4, 2013

25 weeks

I cannot keep up with these posts anymore... I was 25 weeks last Thursday.
How far along:  25 weeks
How big is baby: Cauliflower...kind of a random one
Maternity clothes:  Yes..mixed in with some of my normal clothes.  Some of the same.
Sleep:  Meh, Some nights I sleep like a rock and sometimes I'm restless
Food cravings:  gum
Food aversions:  none this week
Symptoms:  basically the same.  Some heartburn, a little bit more tired than normal, trouble sitting for extended periods of time
Movement: Anytime I am sitting and relaxed I can feel her moving....on days that are a little more crazy I don't feel her quite as much
Gender:  Girl
What I’m looking forward to:  Getting to see her on Wednesday!!  Starting to paint her room and put all of the pieces together so we can just wait on her to finish "baking" and come meet us!
What I miss:  Laying on my stomach to sleep, being able to squeeze through smaller spaces.
Best part of the week: Feeling her move so much.  Picking up her crib and picking out a chair for her nursery!  And running has been better this week.  The more active I have been with her, the better I have felt.  My running clothes are starting to fit a bit tighter though : )


katie + bret said...

aww you are too cute in the running clothes! She is sitting really high - so fun!!

Sarah & Casey said...

Awww you look so cute! Also, I love Chloe laying on the floor in the background!